Photo Collage

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Tale of Two Sisters

Are they twins...sister and brother? No, just cousins...

My sister and I have always been close.  We count each other among our greatest blessings and cherish the memories of our journey together through life.  We are thankful for our time together and the impact we have had on each other’s lives.  Did you know?...

My youngest son, Pete, was born on Tina’s birthday.  We were pregnant together and she had Maureen just two months later.  It was quite fun sharing pregnancy, newborns and our children growing up together.   When Tina found out through tests that she was having a girl, that made me all the more sure I was having one too.  After all, we shared EVERYTHING so surely we would have girls together, right?  Oh what a surprise I had when Pete arrived!  The kicker came when he was about 5 years old and he asked if he could have some new wallpaper because he didn’t like the “pink stuff”!!!  Ha!  I had convinced myself it was neutral wallpaper with just a little bit of mauve in it!! 
As Pete and Maureen grew into toddlers, everyone thought they were sister and brother – or twins!  You can probably see why.  We often dressed them alike…sometimes planned and sometimes not.  Since we took turns babysitting and since they went to the same preschool class, one of us was often out with both kids!

And would it surprise you to know that we have about as many pictures of them together as we would if they really were sister and brother???!!!  This is a photo from their baptism day…we even did that together!

It looks like Pete just goosed Maureen and she's in shock!
Now she just dishes it right back!

…and another from our parents’ cabin in Mormon Lake, where we spent lots of time together and took an endless number of photos!  I have no idea if we planned for them to be dressed in the same colors or not but I do remember these little pink and blue coordinated sweatsuits they had…

Just one final thought...
Today is Maureen's birthday.  Happy birthday to my beautiful and talented niece, who has always been more like a daughter to me!  I love you lots and hope you have a wonderful day that is as special as you are!

‘Til next time,

“A good snapshot stops a moment from running away.”  ~Eudora Welty

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