Photo Collage

Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Picture's Worth A Thousand Words

While the pictures and video broadcast worldwide in the hours and days following the 9-11 terrorist attacks will forever be etched in my mind, so will the memorial I had the opportunity to visit last night at Tempe Beach Park. Rows and rows of American flags, more than 2900 in all, lined the park stretching from one end to the other set against the lights of the Mill Ave. Bridge. On each flag was a card bearing the name, age, location, and story of someone who lost their life at the hands of the terrorists that fateful day 9 years ago.

Some had yellow ribbons tied around the flag pole signifying police, fire and medical personnel who lost their lives trying to save others.

Others had combat boots placed at the base of the flagpole in honor of the service men and women who lost their lives that day.

I stopped and read card after card, and 9 years later still find myself choked up over the senseless loss of life and the thousands of families who lost someone dear to them that day. The stories were of men and women, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, near retirees, and young men and women just embarking in their careers. Today and everyday let us not forget them and stop to give thanks for the brave men and women who fight still to defend our country and our freedom.
A picture's worth a thousand words, but these are pictures for which there could never be words enough.

In Remembrance of 9-11,


  1. Wonderful Tina. I love this blog --- good job!

  2. So beautfully said Tina! I think thoughts like yours are exactly what we need to do in return for all of these people. This post has me choked up. I need to see this place and read some of these cards myself. Awesome pictures of course!
