Photo Collage

Sunday, October 17, 2010


This is my husband giving a bottle to his tiny little granddaughter for the first time.  He was nervous but he looks like a natural with those big strong arms cradling this tiny little person that he already loved so much.   I love to look at how tiny she was in his arms and how huge that little bottle was next to her.   In photos you can’t always tell how large or small something is unless you have another object to show the perspective.  How precious it is to have this memory to recall through the photograph.

Yesterday Lucy tap danced on a big stage at the State Fair!  This tiny and precious newborn has grown up before our very eyes, and we don't know where the time has gone!  It's scary and wonderful!  Scary... because we will blink our eyes and this darling four-year old will be wearing makeup for real, graduating, getting married or doing who knows what.  Wonderful...because we get to watch it happen and because we have photos we can look back on to help us remember some of the details!  Some details like how much she looks like her mom right now and how she's suddenly so into posing!

Blessings to you and yours…

"There are always two people in every picture:  the photographer and the viewer."  ~Ansel Adams

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