Photo Collage

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Sizzling Arizona summer temperatures approaching the 115 degree mark and traveling photographers have sort of put a hold on the demand for outdoor photo sessions.  But wait…there’s a silver lining here.  It allows us to pursue another passion we have and that is photographing nature and the beauty of our surroundings.  For me, despite what seems like little relief during any 24 hr. period from the heat, I am finding it bearable enough in the wee hours of the morning or evening to sit on my back patio or balcony. I’ve been wandering outside around 5 a.m. with my wake-up armamentarium: 1) iPad (for reading my e-books) 2) camera (ready for that Kodak moment) and 3) a cup of freshly brewed coffee (one of my few vices!) The desert comes alive with the sunrise over Scarface Mountain and the sound of quail families navigating their way through the wash behind my house.  Why do they never fly, even when eminent danger presents itself? They just run really fast!

Just thought I’d share of few of my recent (most from this week) photos mixed in with a few of my all time favorites. All have been taken from the yard or balcony of my humble abode.  This is what makes my house my castle and I consider myself nothing short of superbly fortunate to enjoy this!

This morning's sunrise in sequence..breaking light

Peeking over Scarface

within 20 minutes it turned to this...
what an awesome sight!
the quail family

A partridge in a pear tree...NOT!

Wiley Coyote

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rabbit

In the evening it’s a different story as I prepare dinner and the golden hour shows its colors through my kitchen windows.  Camera on counter, I am always ready for the ever-changing skyline.  Couple that with the unusual cloud formations and dust storms often seen during Arizona’s monsoon season and you can’t go wrong! 
Last night's sunset

Regrettably the “Big Haboob” arrived toward the front of my house and by the time I was alerted and got outside I was immersed in it.  Not wanting to subject my camera equipment to the ravages of the 60mph blowing dust I was standing in, I quickly snapped a couple of dusty shots and bailed. I had missed the wall rolling in, but I’ve seen some awesome photos of it!
The Big Ha- what?

The full moon always let’s me know it has arrived without even looking at the calendar via an “aura” that is present at work.  I try to be ready with my zoom lens and tripod on those nights.  Most recently I tested my steadiness by grabbing my camera and running outside.  I got some fairly decent shots without a tripod!  Sometimes it’s the moonrise that is spectacular and sometimes it sets right over my bedroom balcony, its moonbeams casting their brilliant glow through my bedroom window calling me awake in the wee hours of the morning.  I even have kind friends who know of my passion for those perfect shots and message me to tell me to grab my camera in case I might miss an opportunity.  
moonrise from my front yard
Last week's full moon

This week

My favorite moonset of all times...from my bedroom balcony overlooking Phoenix

Don’t forget to appreciate the beauty of your surroundings….get out and take it all in, rain or shine!


  1. Tina,

    Awesome pictures. I love the desert; the beautiful sunsets, our gorgeous sahuaro cactus and diverse wildlife. You're a great photographer! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you June...I know you have a great appreciation for our beautiful desert too!~T
