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Monday, November 1, 2010

Mia's Family

We first wrote about Mia and her awesome family a few weeks ago.  Mia is a beautiful five-year old girl who is going through the fight of her life right now as she battles brain cancer.   You can read about the journey on her blog at Human Tribe Project.

A few of the things you will learn there are that Mia is a fighter; that she has two awesome parents who are trying to juggle family life with two other children who need them too and who are suffering along with their child; that she has an extended family who will do whatever it takes to keep things going and make it possible for someone to be with Mia at all times--and that she now has an extended blog family on Human Tribe Project who are all praying, offering words of encouragement and strength, helping the family in any way they can and supporting them financially by purchasing Tribe Tags.

That is why Human Tribe Project was created.  There is a need it fills during the time of a devastating illness or crisis.  For those of us on the “outside” there is some comfort in knowing some of what is going on and in finding direction for our prayers.  Still, we feel helpless.  For those on the “inside” there is the moment-by-moment pain of watching this unfold.  We hope there are at least some moments of joy and celebrate hearing about things like a big, strong Daddy having his nails painted lavender by his child…and leaving the polish on.  And we hear about some of the moments that bring tears to our eyes and make us sad.  Unless we’ve been through it, we still don’t know…BUT we pray! We pray for whatever it is they need and then some.

This is Mia’s Family…or the Foutz side of it anyway.  They are there to lift each other up and to deal with the hardest moments and they are amazing.  A year is a long time, but I believe they will get through it…one day at a time!  I believe they will have a healthy, beautiful daughter in the end.  In the meantime, I hope and I pray…and I give thanks that they have each other.  And I am thankful we had an hour or so one Sunday evening to capture not just Mia, but all of them…looking like any other family for a little while!


I might add here that this family is pretty blessed in the “cute kids” department.   I think you’ll agree!

Blessings to you and yours…

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