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Thursday, August 16, 2012

We're on the Road Again!

We're off to the cool country tomorrow and "girl" are we excited.  Years ago we vowed to plan and follow through on a "Sister's Weekend" at least once a year.  A weekend where all five of us could leave jobs, kids, spouses and the ties of our home lives to frolic, laugh, shop, eat, drink, and be merry- uninterrupted.  Forty years ago that would have been the LAST thing we would have wanted to do is spend a weekend with "those sisters" that we shared everything from a bedroom to the hot rollers with! But with much of our lives behind us we have come to cherish our relationships with each other and I think I speak for all of us when I say that our relationships with each other are one of life's greatest blessings.  Our mom used to accompany us on our weekends and her absence has made making time for these get-togethers seem even more critical.  In fact, it's only been 9 months since our last trip and we were all feeling the need for a "sister fix"!   This year we are so happy that two of our "Gen Y" offspring are accompanying us (girls only)!  They are either going to be completely flabbergasted by our antics, totally embarrassed, or sorry they haven't joined us sooner.  I'm guessing it will be the latter.  So...down the road we go!  We hope to have some classic pictures to share.  Don't forget to record life's best moments by freezing them in time with photographic images...they'll be good for some heartwarming smiles later on!

At the "Shady Del"~November 2011

Until next time~ 

"Our roots say we're sisters, our hearts say we're friends."  
 ~Author Unknown

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